Animal: hand building and mark making

$70.00 - Sold out

Image of Animal: hand building and mark making

Animal: hand building and mark making with Carol Gentithes and Fred Johnston

SUNDAY 5 Feb 2017
10.00 am - 12.30 pm

A simultaneous demonstration by two artists from USA. This workshop will focus on the expression of animal imagery in clay. 

Hand building demonstration
Carol will create a monkey starting with 2 pinch pots. Once combined she will apply darting, altering, modeling and sculpting techniques. Various surface and texture designs will be applied to the finished piece. Consideration of decoration and how it relates to the animal will be talked about.

Mark making demonstration
Fred will discuss resources and inspirations for design & painting. On his wheel thrown bisque bowls, he will demonstrate how mark making and decoration accentuate form with the use of positive & negative space. He will show how to articulate a circular composition using the power of line. Also, he will incorporate contrasting color patterns to illuminate the drawing.

Carol & Fred BIO
In 1997 they established Johnston & Gentithes studio/gallery in Seagrove, NC where there is a community of 80+ working studio potters. Fred primarily makes wheel thrown wood-fired pots with hand painted slip decoration. Carol is a hand builder, making surreal zoomorphic forms that are decorated with glazes, underglazes and transfers.

Their work is exhibited nationally & internationally, and is in permanent collections of several museums.

SUNDAY 5 Feb 2017
10.00 am - 12.30 pm

13/158 Chesterville Road
VIC 3165